All in Vancouver

Two Decades of Vancouver Housing Crisis

Municipalities failed to deliver promised housing supply in 2018. The crisis will continue.

We’ve all heard people in Vancouver who blame lack of supply for housing unaffordability. Many will have heard the opposing “Supply Myth” argument. We believe that the supply problem is real and could be worse than any of us imagined.

By 2021 Metro Vancouver housing stock will be short by 62,000 homes!

Spring Family Fun

The spring is a wonderful time of year. The days last longer, cherry blossoms appear, and trees fill will with leaves! It’s a great time to explore the city and it’s parks with your kids. Here are our favourite activities this spring:

These Vancouver Neighbourhoods Kill House Flippers

It's called "home porn," those sensuous scenes in house flipping TV shows where some broken-down shack is transformed into a mansion worthy of the Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. And it all comes together in a few weeks at prices anyone can afford! It should come with a “DON’T TRY THIS YOURSELF” disclaimer because in a falling market you can get seriously burned.