Rents for one- and two-bedroom apartments and condominium rentals are down year over year.
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City of Vancouver’s objective in refreshing its housing targets shows they have lost sight of their purpose.
High unemployment and low immigration are expected to lead to a drop in prices. This report explores how low and for how long prices may drop.
Not sure whether to trust the Bank? What about a Mortgage Broker? We believe the benefits of using a mortgage broker are greater than going directly to a bank (or credit union).
Balanced and honest insights into how to read and interpret real estate news, so you can cut through the smoke and mirrors.
Always check to confirm your Mortgage Broker is still licenced and in good standing.
The Metro Vancouver benchmark home price has held its value, but the price of the median home purchase has dropped significantly.
Always check to confirm your Realtor is still licenced and in good standing.